morning && hai .
diz morning , i've watch a video . it's bout my batch . HERMANAS . && i miss them a lot :'( after leaving the school time , and go to university , i'm not meet the best friends such i've been got when i'm was in SERI PUTERI .
i miss to doing mess with them , laughing , studying , fighting , dinner together , breakfast , lunch , doing class at the DK , all event that we arrange and whatever things that we all do together .
i miss my hockey team , SEARHEAD . i miss my DIKIR members, i miss to have KEPO camping , marching, i miss my EMERALD . sports day , and everythings !
&& i miss my special friends . much much miss them . wanie , kiera , fa'ad , kuyen , tasya , tikhus , tinad , zarry , wa'ed . when can we meet again ? i really miss all of you . kawan kat sini tak sama macam korang . i've such great tyme with you all . & i miss that time .
miss yuo guys . .